The New Moon February 2023 in aries is kicking off the new astrological Year. That’s when we are actually feeling the energy of moving forward and celebrating a new start.
2023 has been full of false starts, but this fiery New Moon in Aries is about to propel us headfirst into a brave new world and bright new future. So if you have had a sleepy or less-than-stellar start to your new year, prepare yourself for action-packed excitements and complete vibe shifts. It marks the first new moon of the astrological new year, so happy happy fresh new year to all of you. I personally can resonate much more with this new beginning rather than the January one.The Aries New Moon comes into exact position on Tuesday, March 21 at 06:23 pm CET, at exactly 0 degrees in the sign of the Ram so less than 24 hours after the Aries Equinox. This potent spring-time lunation bursts energetically on the celestial scene with a wild and vibrant blossoming that can help us to usher in the new astrological year! This New Moon, which marks the new adventure of the Sun through the cycle of the zodiac, signals not only liveliness but a strong dose of transformational impulse as well, as we shake off the stagnant of a hard past and awaken into the vital energy of the new beginning, a spring season of much change in this 2023 year. This New Moon is happening amidst a March month when we are blessed with three significant ingresses – Saturn into Pisces took place on March 7th while Pluto into Aquarius – still to come as this New Moon dawns – happens on March 23rd Slightly less seismic, but completing an important cycle, we find Mars finally entering Cancer on March 25th, after its extended months-long journey through Gemini. It’s fair to say that the astrological tides are turning dramatically, so that you may be feeling quite a lot falling away as you simultaneously sense a surge of new impulses emerging into your awareness. The details of this New Moon configuration are fascinating for what they may hold for us all.
All this energy is like a huge cosmic greenlight to start something you’ve always wanted to get off the ground but didn’t have the willpower, energy, or courage to get started. It’s begging all of us to cast our fears and doubts aside, to know we have the stars supporting us as we face new ventures and adventures.
The New Moon March 2023 is a time to plant seeds of intention. This is because the actions we take and even the thoughts we have and believe during New Moons take on extra weight and significance. If you've ever wondered how to manifest or when - the New Moon is a perfect time.

Today also marks the beginning of the new zodiacal year, as the Sun moves into Aries! This also means it's the Equinox, and the celebration of International Astrology Day. Not only is the astrological New Year a powerful time to update your goals for the year, but Aries season is the perfect time to help you achieve them too! It's the time to be brave, to overcome any obstacle. Sheer willpower to persevere. The motivation to keep going. These are all the energies of Aries that surround us now.
I am so grateful to be offering tools and information to help you connect with the cycle of the cosmos and absorb the infinite energy that guide us at the moment! Use this potent new time and join me in my Astrology Visionboard Workshop or let’s meet in the TCM Membership.
The Aries New MOON