You have more than just one body. Your 6 bodies besides your physical one.
The meaning of the 7 chakras: our subtle energy centers and their role in our life
The chakras are subtle energy centers and were mentioned in the Vedic scriptures about 4000 years ago. Many ancient cultures already knew the term “energy”, according to the Egyptians, who improved this healing system through the use of aroma and color therapy.
But these principles were not alien to the mystical Kabbalah in early Judaism either. Our soul can express itself through our body through the chakras, since the chakras penetrate our physical body and show us which parts of our soul want to be nourished.
Our thinking and feeling influence every cell in our body, which in turn expands or constricts the energy field of our body and thus activates or blocks the chakras.
The meaning of the 7 chakras: our subtle energy centers. What are chakras? What are the chakras? What are the colors of the chakras and what to do when a chakra is blocked?
Chakra - vortex of subtle energy
The seven main chakras:
Root Chakra - Muladhara
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
Heart Chakra - Anahata
Throat Chakra - Vishuddha
Third eye chakra - Ajna
Crown chakra - Sahasrara
Our chakras are the door to love & healing.
The term "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel of light" and forms a vortex of moving subtle energy on the front and back of our body. They are located along our main energy path on our spine.
The term "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel of light" and forms a vortex of moving subtle energy on the front and back of our body. They are located along our main energy path on our spine.
The term "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel of light" and forms a vortex of moving subtle energy on the front and back of our body.
They are located along our main energy path on our spine.
The term "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel of light" and forms a vortex of moving subtle energy on the front and back of our body.
They are located along our main energy path on our spine.
Every single chakra penetrates our physical body and also connects our physical body with our subtle bodies (aura). They also connect us to the spiritual source of life from which we can draw.
Seven main chakras are known from the yoga tradition and named after their anatomical location. The chakras are associated with an element and a spectral color. In addition, qualities and properties, as well as a hormonal gland, are ascribed to them.
The chakras develop particularly in a certain phase of life, which is also known as the age of resonance. They represent a life theme and can be activated and purified with physical and spiritual activities.
Chakra meditations and affirmations can also be used to activate and cleanse chakras.
Element: earth
Red color
Endocrine gland: adrenal cortex
Age of resonance: from fertilization to the age of 7
Physical activity: yoga asanas to activate the feet and legs
Spiritual activity: contemplating the beauty of nature
Affirmation: I live out of my integrity
The Muladhara chakra (root chakra) sits at the bottom of the perineum on the spine. Its main quality is the anchoring of the soul on earth.
This chakra is related to basic human needs such as stability, security, protection, food and order in life. When we feel safe in life and don't have to fear for our existence, then we stay grounded and focused.
Basic trust is also an aspect of the root chakra, which helps us to remain in trust in difficult life situations. We are allowed to learn to regard the material as sacred and to practice trust, perseverance and patience.
The Muladhara chakra (root chakra) sits at the bottom of the perineum on the spine. Its main quality is the anchoring of the soul on earth.
The symbol (also called yantra) of the root chakra is a square. It is depicted in connection with four leaves that visualize the grounding power of this chakra. In the middle of the square the Beej mantra of the Muladhara Chakra LAM is often visualized.
Element: water
Color orange
Endocrine gland: ovaries and testes. Age of resonance: 7-14 years of age
Physical activity: yoga, dancing
Spiritual activity: meditation, fasting
Affirmation: I am open to my greatest pleasure
The Svadhisthana chakra (sacral chakra) is located 0.5 cm below the navel and 0.5 cm in the pelvis.
This chakra controls our well-being and physical health by helping to strengthen our immune systems and keep our bodies functional. In addition, this chakra is related to our sexuality, creativity, sensuality, joy and abundance in life.
If this chakra is healthy, then we have defined limits so that we nourish our body and are satisfied with ourselves. Emotions are also an aspect of this chakra as emotions that we hold back can lead to bloating and swelling in the body.
The life theme is that we know who we are and what we do is enough and we don't associate our self-worth with what we do or have.
The Svadhisthana Chakra is depicted as a lotus with six petals. Her yantra is the crescent moon, which is often depicted in the center of the lotus flower. The crescent moon is replaced in some depictions by the Beej mantra VAM.

Element: fire
Color: yellow
Endocrine gland: pancreas
Age of response: 14 to 21 years of age
Physical activity: sport, competition, chi-gong
Spiritual activity: leadership training, appreciation of solitude
Affirmation: I am valuable and deserve the life I want
The Manipura Chakra (umbilical chakra) lies under the breastbone in the stomach and forms the center of our personal identification, where our ego is also located.
This chakra is related to the properties of self-esteem, self-esteem, personal power and freedom of choice and is strongly developed in our relationships, our profession as well as in the area of our self-management and our sense of responsibility. If our sense of individuality has increased, then a strong and flexible personality core can develop.
Resistance and challenges make us stronger and develop inner courage and personal power. Therefore, the life theme of the umbilical chakra is the development of a strong and flexible ego in order to recognize that the person is valuable.
The Sanskrit name of the umbilical chakra, Manipura, means "place of jewels". The geometric shape of Manipura Chakra is a triangle - the 10 lotus leaves that adorn the triangle symbolize the power of our personality and the "jewels" that adorn them, such as self-esteem and self-esteem.
Element: air
Color green
Endocrine gland: thymus
Age of response: 21 to 28 years of age
Physical activity: massage, healing touches, dancing. Spiritual activity: learning to love yourself first, prayer, singing
Affirmation: I follow my heart's longing for truth, joy and love
The anahata chakra (heart chakra) sits in the middle of the chest and controls our heart. It is important for our energy supply as well as for love and our spiritual existence. The qualities of this chakra are oneness, brotherhood, sisterhood, peace, love and innocence.
Our hearts thrive with joy and bloom with openness, sharing, and touch so that we can see the sanctity of life. If our heart chakra is open, then we are perceived as welcoming and warm.
We are always looking for connection and are allowed to accept that love is the core of life. Through healing and growth, we can give and receive unconditional love.
The Yantra of the Anahata Chakra is geometrically represented by a six-pointed star surrounded by 12 lotus leaves. In the middle of the star, the Beej mantra YAM is visualized in Sanskrit.
Element: ether
Color turquoise
Endocrine gland: thyroid
Age of response: 28 to 35 years of age
Physical activity: expressive theater, tai chi, craniosacral therapy, yoga
Spiritual activity: prayer, journaling, speaking in public
Affirmation: I listen to myself and speak my truth lovingly
The Vishuddha Chakra (throat or throat chakra) is located in the inner and outer throat and is the energetic center with which we can exchange ideas on every level of experience. The qualities associated with the throat chakra are will, communication, creative expression and honesty.
If this chakra is blocked by unexpressed emotions, such as anger and anger, and by dishonesty or blasphemy as well as by the abuse of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes, the flow of energy from the lower chakras up to the forehead and crown chakra can be disturbed.
With this we can learn that we protect our will and our individuality and express our truth and live our creativity.
The Vishuddha Chakra is geometrically represented by a circle in a triangle associated with the mantra HAM. In the case of chakra jewelry, blue gemstones such as aquamarine, turquoise and topaz are used.
Color: indigo blue
Endocrine gland: pituitary gland
Age of response: 35 to 42 years of age
Physical activity: yoga, chi-gong, eye exercises using the Bates method
Spiritual activity: good books and films, reflection, imagining the life you want
Affirmation: I open myself to my inner guidance and connect my consciousness with the source of all life
The Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) sits between the eyebrows and is the center that focuses on cultivating a strong and free mind. In addition, the frontal chakra is associated with the maturation of the psyche as well as ethical and philosophical principles.
The right hemisphere controls the synthetic and creative thinking and the left hemisphere the rational and analytical thinking. Through the full activation of the third eye chakra, the two halves of the brain are stimulated so that they work together and a harmonious view of reality is created and the logical trains of thought are connected with intuition.
If we think positively about ourselves and others, our minds become more steadfast. Thus we are allowed to learn to reflect on all limiting and disparaging ideas and conceptions about ourselves in order to fully activate our brow chakra and to cultivate wisdom, insight, imagination and intuition.
The Ajna Chakra is visualized by a circle. Surrounded by two lotus leaves, purple-colored gemstones such as amethyst and sapphire are often used in Ajna Chakra jewelry.
Element: space
Color: purple
Endocrine gland: pineal gland
Age of resonance: 42 to 49 years of age
Physical activity: just keep moving. Spiritual activity: meditation, prayer, reflection
Affirmation: I search for the highest truth and I honor and protect my divine spirit
The Sahasrara chakra (crown chakra) is located at the apex of the head and helps us to connect with our imperishable and eternal being.
This chakra opens when we have reached spiritual maturity and spiritual development, which usually happens after a series of difficult decisions and challenges. Also often referred to as a "midlife crisis".
If our crown chakra opens, then we discard what we have been up to now in order to become what is intended for us. However, this does not mean that we completely withdraw from the worldly material seductions, but rather that we find a balance between the worldly and the spiritual in order to remain grounded.
We are allowed to learn that we are connected to the larger whole and create a strong mind that absorbs life experiences.
To depict a thousand-petalled lotus flower geometrically is no easy task. Therefore there are many variants of the visualization of the Sahasrara Chakra - what connects them all is the mantra OM in the middle. Rock crystal is often used for chakra jewelry.
Starting with the root chakra, which grounds us in life with its energy, up to the crown chakra, which has subtle energy, the chakras lead us step by step to love, spirituality and healing.
In Yoga (specifically ind Kundalini) we practice to raise the Vibration of our Chakras and Being along our spine from the bottom to the top with Kryas, Mantras, Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras and Meditation.
Jules, Julia or Georgi